Intentionally using Social Media.
Social media is everywhere. “Wait let me post this”, “Did you see what she was wearing on her Instagram story?”, “God I didn’t get enough likes, I’m going to take it down”. Constantly searching for validation via likes, comments, and follows. How can we separate our worth, value, and humanity? How can society stop giving these platforms power?
Social media was that thing that I begged my mom to let me have at age 13 when my self-image was uncomfortable, awkward, and unsure. Hesitantly she let me download my first social media app on my iPod touch which lacked a camera and cost me all other birthday gifts a teenager could have wanted. Downloading that app meant I constantly needed to wear a new outfit on that next family vacation and spend hours taking the perfect photo so my peers can let me know just how “cute” I am. Back then knowing that in my heart wasn’t enough.
Since then I have gone on a social media JOURNEY. And let me tell you this one was LONGGGGGGGG. Deleting apps. Redownloading them. Back to deleting. Time limits here and there. cold turkey. No social media. Finally deleting my personal Instagram for an entire year. That one was impactful. How do we make the change? How do we take back the power?
My answer to that is slowly and on the individual level. Here are my personal 6 steps to curbing your social media addiction.
1. Set time limits: Allow yourself 30 minutes a day to use social media to keep in touch with friends and family. These 30 minutes is a time when you are intentionally checking platforms. Bonus: If your friends are around have them set a passcode for you that way when the 30 minutes is up you really can’t override the button that gives you all-day access.
2. Remove the applications: This can be for 1 hour, 2 weeks, or 3 years. Does not matter. Any amount of time without the platform on your phone is time spent off social media. Having to spend the time to redownload the app also might make it easier not to. One day you might find that you have completely stopped redownloading the app.
3. Put your phone away: Out of sight out of mind. Especially when you are surrounded by others make it a habit to put your phone in a drawer or another room. You might even notice just how often the rest of the group is on their phones. Notice. Notice. Notice. Always without judgment. Just notice.
4. Find a hobby that doesn’t require your phone: Joining a yoga studio created space between me and my phone. The studio suggests that members leave their phones in the lobby. This is already carving out an hour of my day with no phone usage. What is one of your favorite things to do? Does it require a phone? Most of us can answer no.
5. Bring intentionality into your usage: Utilize apps like ScreenZen to create a moment of breathing before going on the platforms. This app allows you to take a moment and decide if you really want to go on the app or if you are just scrolling for muscle memory and boredom.
6. Non-Judgement: Allow yourself to explore your usage and when you overuse give yourself a hug and know it’s okay. We all use social media and can learn from our day-to-day usage.
Add more to this list. This will get you started on finding more intentional space and love in your life. How can you shift your value of worth and how can that affect the people around you? Notice how these 6 habit shifts change your life off your phone.